The recovery day before the long stage on Saturday.
The day starts sunny, but the forecast shows scattered showers almost everywhere in Catalonia. It looks like we will get wet today.
Dede comes with us too, and we go to the Pont de Pedra for a group picture before starting the ride.

We leave Girona to follow the route where the new high voltage power lines may be in the near future.
The first part of the ride is great, but the sky is getting dark. When the first drops begin to fall, we take a short cut to Girona. Although it is not raining much, we decide to go back faster. We have covered most of the ride and enough for the recovery day.
The day starts sunny, but the forecast shows scattered showers almost everywhere in Catalonia. It looks like we will get wet today.
Dede comes with us too, and we go to the Pont de Pedra for a group picture before starting the ride.

The first part of the ride is great, but the sky is getting dark. When the first drops begin to fall, we take a short cut to Girona. Although it is not raining much, we decide to go back faster. We have covered most of the ride and enough for the recovery day.