The Queen Stage!
The day didn't start with good weather. After leaving Girona a dark sky threatened our way to the Pyrenees. Past Besalú the rain showed up, and our worse thoughts were visible. Since Debbie moved ahead with our second car, and reported no rain, we kept going to the muffin break! The views to the mountains where we were going, started to clearing up. The Queen Stage continued.
The second part, was harder than it was expected. The two climbs were definitely bigger than it seemed compared to the Vallter 2000 in the Pyrenees.
Darco on the first real climb of the day.
C'mon Nonnie! It's just a 10% ramp!!
Near the top, the cows mooooo you on
After the first climb, we regrouped, had a picnic and refilled our water bottles. Ready for the downhill and hit the second climb! The group split and everybody kept their own pace.
The Pro LookI like this one Ashley! Desmond and Mike went up front and started climbing Valllter 2000, the rest of the group jumped in the car after the long downhill and jumped out to do the climb. So now we were climbing in the cold and blowing snow with views of the peak in sight. One km to the top, the road was icy and really windy and it was impossible to continue. We all got in the van except Darco and Nonnie, who braved it out for the descent.
The last climb. Vallter -6ºC.